First, we want to thank you all so much for making our first year of the podcast so rewarding. We are looking forward to producing more episodes in the New Year.
That being said, we have been working hard to make this podcast happen along with pivoting and growing our other business Comfortcloth Weaving. With the holidays upon us, we are going to take a little break from the podcast in order to rest up and button up some open projects.
We’re not going to leave you hanging though! We have some content that we think you’ll enjoy.
This week, we have a recorded live video of Tegan demonstrating on her AVL loom and talking about how she got into weaving, the pros and cons of the AVL, and answering questions. If you have any questions that come up from watching the demonstration, comment below, and we will do our best to answer.
Submit your Weaving Question : Ask a Weaving Question!
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Music : Guesthouse